Saturday, April 28, 2007

Grandma's philosophy

After upteen years it has occured to me that I am not responsible for
children's eating, sleeping, or TV watching when they are at my house.
Go ahead - let them have soda for breakfast instead of fruit juice.
Let them have ice cream with chocolate sauce instead of carrots
for dinner. Gummy bears are okay any time.
If you don't want to go to bed until 10 or 11 - okay we'll watch
the late show.
Oh this philosophy makes visits and sleep overs so much more
fun for us.
Mom's be forwarned - grandmother's are easing up on rules.


Angie said...

Uh oh, Grandma on the loose!
Watch out, Emily!

darlinggrandma said...

Not to worry - I always offer healthy foods
first and you would be surprised how often
they will choose them. Especially apple slices
or grapes.

emilyruth said...

i say
go for it grandma!
that's the fun of it...
& who wants their grandma
(or great grandma as the case may be..:)
'eat your veggies!'
they get that at home
(yes even at my home:)
so grandma you have my permission
gummy bear them up...

Mrs.Kate.W said...

I certainly do remember watching the sound of music and eating peanuts and popcorn when we stayed with you!

Angie said...

Peanuts and popcorn are quite the healthy snack... if that is the kind of junk you're referring to, then by all means, I support this!
And you can never go wrong with the Sound of Music!